is a potent oral anabolic hormone derived from dihydrotestosterone.
Oxymetholone is considered by many to be the most powerful steroid that can be
found on sale. Since oxymetholone positive effect on the increase in the number
of red blood cells, became interested buy anadrol online in the drug as a treatment for anemia.
For a long time oxymetholone used to treat this disorder, until the emergence
of a more secure erythropoietin, which increases the number of red blood cells,
but without androgen pobochek.
to experiment with the use of just one or two pills a day for less than 6 weeks
8-12 kg are
added, most of which is water. Despite the fact that as a result of water
retention is often an option for many people is very unattractive, can deliver
benefits such beneficial effects as a lubricant in joints, increased
flexibility of ligaments, muscle contractility best. It should be noted,
however, that a very rapid weight gain can also impart too much tension on
connective tissues.
Structural characteristics:
is a modified form of DHT, wherein: 1) the addition of methyl groups at carbon
17-alpha, which helps protect the hormone during oral administration, and 2)
introduction of a 2-hydroxymethylene group which inhibits its metabolism, 3-HSD
enzymes significantly increase Anabolic and relative biological activity
Side effects:
oxymetholone not directly converted to estrogen in the body. This steroid is a
derivative of dihydrotestosterone, and as such can not be aromatizirovan.Vsledstvie
this does not make sense to use aromatase inhibitors, so to avoid estrogenic
side effects need to use anti-estrogens such as tamoxifen or Clomid. although
oxymetholone kalassifitsiruetsya as an anabolic drug, androgenic side effects
are still peculiar to him. By androgenic side effects include: oily skin, acne,
hair growth on the face, as a teenager - is the formation of secondary sexual
characteristics, penis enlargement, the closure of growth zones epiphysis of
long bones (calcification), women - especially the effects of virilization
(coarsening voice, the menstrual cycle, growth of facial hair, and clitoral
enlargement. Since oxymetholone alkylated 17-alpha, it can be Hepatotoxicity.
Prolonged his use or the use of high doses can lead to liver damage. Although
in rare cases may be caused by such a breach. It is desirable periodically
after each reception to visit the doctor, and monitor liver function, kidney
and health.